About us
Water Partners (Aust) Ltd. trading as Water Partners, is Australia’s only registered Not-for-Profit Water broker. Water Partners is governed by a member elected Board and a constitution designed to provide market driven price outcomes, absolute transparency, and ethical trading. Our Traderooms provide 24/7 online trading and a full history of trade, and our personal services include educating participants on the rules of trade, product options and assisting irrigators and traders to realise best outcomes.

Why you should use Water Partners?

Water Partners (Aust) Ltd is effectively owned by the community for the benefit of the community.
Our experienced staff provide the care and attention that traders expect.
Water Partners has three live 24/7 Traderooms for Allocation, Permanent trade and Carryover Protection, delivering a price driven by the market.
Water Partners provides rapid trade of allocation water using an electronic interface to the Victorian Water Register to ensure the speedy and smooth handling of all allocation trade approvals.
Water Partners provides a “start to finish” service for clients trading in permanent entitlements and are experts in providing guidance in water purchases and sales.
Water Partners sets the standards of ethical transparent water trading.
Water Partners not only looks after the larger traders, but smaller traders are afforded the same care and attention to detail.
Water Partners does not own or trade any water in its own right and displays a history of trades to ensure fair and transparent market disclosure.
Water Partners is an affiliate member of the Australian Water Brokers Association.

Who should use Water Partners?
Water Partners is a great resource for anyone interested in water trading in Australia. Our members and traders consist of irrigators, farmers, government organisations, investors, corporate clients, and other water trading organisations.
We work with buyers and sellers to provide open and transparent platforms where the market sets the price.
In simple terms, think of Water Partners like the stock exchange of water. You can visit our live Traderooms 24/7 for current trade information and trends, list or accept offers, or you can contact us directly to discuss your individual water trading requirements.
Our friendly staff can also help by giving you all the available options and products and explain any trading rules or restrictions that may impact you.
Membership of Water Partners is free and open to anyone.
Water Partners is simple to join; simply register or ask our helpful staff for a membership application.
As a member you are given a say in the operation of the company via voting rights at General Meetings and in the election of Directors.
The more you use Water Partners to trade your water, the more benefits can be returned to members and the wider irrigation communities through reduced fees, sponsorships, education and events.
Water Partners (Aust) Ltd is a company limited by guarantee.
Water Partners operates under a constitution and its established principles:
To provide a trading model that will:
Support a fair and ethical trading environment,
Conduct trades in an open and transparent manner,
Provide a published current price reference point for market participants,
Ensure confidentiality of trade and trader information.
Publish and adhere to developed trading rules.
To provide live online Traderoom environments that provides transparency and price disclosure.
To provide a credible brokering service for water shares and all water products available to irrigators.
Governance protocols ensures that all members are treated equitably and that no Director or involved person will be advantaged over another member.
Ensure that the Constitution permits the member elected Board to appoint, at its discretion, skilled independent Directors, in the minority, to oversee the operation of the Water Partners (Aust) Ltd business.
Protocols have been developed to ensure appropriate disclosure of the water trading activities of Directors or other involved persons.
Annual Reporting
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Water Partners (Aust) Ltd is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). An annual independent financial audit is conducted and presented in the Annual Report at each Annual General Meeting.